X2: Wolverine's Revenge
Publisher: Activision
Developer: GenePool Software
Xbox.com Section: Yes
Players: 1
System Link: No
Online Multiplayer: No
Memory Unit: Yes*
HDTV: 480p
Voice: No
Custom Soundtracks: Yes
Communicator Headset: No
Friends: No
In-game Dolby Digital: Yes
Content DL: No
Scoreboards: No
Guests: No
Hard Drive: 9 Blocks
360 Backwards Compatible: Yes
Notes: This information has been verified as correct.
* Box Mistake: The box states the MU save only takes 4 blocks, it actually takes 7.
Stretching to Widescreen: Wolverine looks a lot bulkier which, imo, is how he should look anyway...so stretching the game to widescreen makes it look better in my opinion.
HD Usage:
X2: WR takes up a total of 9 blocks, less than 1 meg, on your Xbox's hard drive:

1. X2: WR HDD Save Location - 6 blocks
2. Saved Game -
3 blocks