Spy Hunter
Publisher: Midway
Developer: Paradigm Entertainment
Xbox.com Section: Yes
Players: 1 to 2
System Link: No
Online Multiplayer: No
Memory Unit: Yes*
HDTV: 480p
Voice: No
Custom Soundtracks: No
Communicator Headset: No
Friends: No
In-game Dolby Digital: Yes
Content DL: No
Scoreboards: No
Guests: No
Hard Drive: 8 blocks
360 Backwards Compatible: No
Notes: This information has been verified as correct.
* Copy only, via the Xbox Memory Manager.
Stretching to Widescreen: When stretched to widescreen, the car looks extremely flat but other than that everything else looks fine. The original arcade version of Spy Hunter looks like ass either way.
HD Usage:
Spy Hunter takes up a total of 8 blocks, less than 1 meg, on your Xbox's hard drive:

1. Spy Hunter HDD Save Location - 5 blocks
2. Save game -
3 blocks