Right before the mini-boss of level 4, you'll run into Cecile. She'll start to attack you, so break out the Invincibility assist really quickly or you'll take quite a few hits. Run up to her and use your Crystal attack to freeze her, then jump on her head and make your way up the ladder...

This is as far as you can go, don't even bother attempting to jump into the area with the brain-like mini-boss. Ok, in order to defeat it, you'll have to shoot it about 3 or 4 times with each ESP attack you've got. They have to be done in a specific order, or else they have no effect. Just keep using your Invincibility assist(doesn't matter if you use up all of your ESP meter, you don't need it after this), then scroll through each attack, jump up and shoot. If the brain blinks white, you hit him. Move on to the next attack, and try it...if it doesn't blink, move to the next...so on and so forth.

After beating the brain, Dr. Knavik will reveal himself and challenge you to a duel. This is where things get kinda weird. You can't really attack here, you can only hit Up or Down to fly. If he goes down, press Down to fly by him(I assume she hits him each time she flies by him), if he goes up, press Up. I don't know that you can actually loose this duel, so don't worry about messing up. After about 4 or 5 passes, he'll drop back down to the ground...