Ballz Game Genie Codes

1. REGT-A6XY - Infinite lives

2. ABHT-YAG4 - No continues

3. AVHT-YAG4 - Start with 4 continues

4. BFHT-YAG4 - Start with 9 continues

5. CEFT-CADR - Each round lasts about 10 seconds

6. ETFT-CADR - Each round lasts about 20 seconds

7. G2FT-CADR - Each round lasts about 30 seconds

8. PYFT-CADR - Each round lasts about 1 minute

9. 5JFT-CADR - Each round lasts about 2 minutes

10. KAFT-CCDR - Each round lasts about 3 minutes

11. BAEA-CA3T - Infinite time to complete a round

12. AKDT-AAD0 - Everyone is about 2x stronger

13. APDT-AAD0 - Everyone is about 3x stronger

14. AVDT-AAD0 - Everyone is about 4x stronger

15. AZDT-AAD0 - Everyone is about 5x stronger

16. AMHA-AA5R - Begging does not improve health

17. PDHA-BJXR - Begging can improve health 2x normal amount

18. PDHA-BNXR - Begging can improve health 3x normal amount

19. PDHA-BYXR - Begging can improve health 5x normal amount

20. CBNA-CABA - Player 1 can select any character in the game

21. CBNA-CABJ - Player 2 can select any character in the game

22. AFHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 2

23. AKHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 3

24. APHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 4

25. AZHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 5

26. A3HT-CAA8 - Start on Match 6

27. A7HT-CAA8 - Start on Match 7

28. BFHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 8

29. BKHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 9

30. BPHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 10

31. BZHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 11

32. B3HT-CAA8 - Start on Match 12

33. CBHT-CAA8 - Start on Match 13

34. AFJV-0AGG - Kronk starts with almost no health

35. JPJV-0AGG - Kronk starts with 33% health

36. TZJV-0AGG - Kronk starts with 67% health

37. WBJV-0CGG - Kronk starts with 200% health

38. MBJV-0EGG - Kronk starts with 300% health

39. AGFB-GADR - Boomer starts with almost no health

40. JRFB-GADR - Boomer starts with 33% health

41. T0FB-GADR - Boomer starts with 67% health

42. WCFB-GCDR - Boomer starts with 200% health

43. MCFB-GEDR - Boomer starts with 300% health

44. AF4V-JAAY - Bruiser starts with almost no health

45. JP4V-JAAY - Bruiser starts with 33% health

46. TZ4V-JAAY - Bruiser starts with 67% health

47. WB4V-JCAY - Bruiser starts with 200% health

48. MB4V-JEAY - Bruiser starts with 300% health

49. AFNB-NABJ - Turbo starts with almost no health

50. JPNB-NABJ - Turbo starts with 33% health

51. TZNB-NABJ - Turbo starts with 67% health

52. WBNB-NCBJ - Turbo starts with 200% health

53. MBNB-NEBJ - Turbo starts with 300% health

54. AFHV-YAD2 - Tsunami starts with almost no health

55. JPHV-YAD2 - Tsunami starts with 33% health

56. TZHV-YAD2 - Tsunami starts with 67% health

57. WBHV-YCD2 - Tsunami starts with 200% health

58. MBHV-YED2 - Tsunami starts with 300% health

59. AF2V-LAH6 - Yoko starts with almost no health

60. JP2V-LAH6 - Yoko starts with 33% health

61. TZ2V-LAH6 - Yoko starts with 67% health

62. WB2V-LCH6 - Yoko starts with 200% health

63. MB2V-LEH6 - Yoko starts with 300% health

64. AFRB-RADG - Divine starts with almost no health

65. JPRB-RADG - Divine starts with 33% health

66. TZRB-RADG - Divine starts with 67% health

67. WBRB-RCDG - Divine starts with 200% health

68. MBRB-REDG - Divine starts with 300% health

69. AFYB-2AB2 - Crusher starts with almost no health

70. JPYB-2AB2 - Crusher starts with 33% health

71. TZYB-2AB2 - Crusher starts with 67% health

72. WBYB-2CB2 - Crusher starts with 200% health

73. MBYB-2EB2 - Crusher starts with 300% health

74. AEVV-WABT - El Ballz starts with almost no health

75. JNVV-WABT - El Ballz starts with 33% health

76. TYVV-WABT - El Ballz starts with 67% health

77. WAVV-WCBT - El Ballz starts with 200% health

78. MAVV-WEBT - El Ballz starts with 300% health

79. AE3B-6ACY - Byte Viper starts with almost no health

80. JN3B-6ACY - Byte Viper starts with 33% health

81. TY3B-6ACY - Byte Viper starts with 67% health

82. WA3B-6CCY - Byte Viper starts with 200% health

83. MA3B-6ECY - Byte Viper starts with 300% health

84. AH3B-TAGN - Lamprey starts with almost no health

85. JS3B-TAGN - Lamprey starts with 33% health

86. T13B-TAGN - Lamprey starts with 67% health

87. WD3B-TCGN - Lamprey starts with 200% health

88. MD3B-TEGN - Lamprey starts with 300% health

89. AFXB-WAGT - T-Wrecks starts with almost no health

90. JPXB-WAGT - T-Wrecks starts with 33% health

91. TZXB-WAGT - T-Wrecks starts with 67% health

92. WBXB-WCGT - T-Wrecks starts with 200% health

93. MBXB-WEGT - T-Wrecks starts with 300% health

94. AH6V-WADT - Guggler starts with almost no health

95. JS6V-WADT - Guggler starts with 33% health

96. T16V-WADT - Guggler starts with 67% health

97. WD6V-WCDT - Guggler starts with 200% health

98. MD6V-WEDT - Guggler starts with 300% health

99. AGYB-WACE - Spike starts with almost no health

100. JRYB-WACE - Spike starts with 33% health

101. T0YB-WACE - Spike starts with 67% health

102. WCYB-WCCE - Spike starts with 200% health

103. MCYB-WECE - Spike starts with 300% health

104. AFPB-TAET - Bounder starts with almost no health

105. JPPB-TAET - Bounder starts with 33% health

106. TZPB-TAET - Bounder starts with 67% health

107. WBPB-TCET - Bounder starts with 200% health

108. MBPB-TEET - Bounder starts with 300% health

109. AE4V-4AEY - 1st Jester starts with almost no health

110. JN4V-4AEY - 1st Jester starts with 33% health

111. TY4V-4AEY - 1st Jester starts with 67% health

112. WA4V-4CEY - 1st Jester starts with 200% health

113. MA4V-4EEY - 1st Jester starts with 300% health

114. AEAA-CAFE - 2nd Jester starts with almost no health

115. JNAA-CAFE - 2nd Jester starts with 33% health

116. TYAA-CAFE - 2nd Jester starts with 67% health

117. WAAA-CCFE - 2nd Jester starts with 200% health

118. MAAA-CEFE - 2nd Jester starts with 300% health